Face to Face Facilitation

facilitor making gestures while explaining content to an attendee

The Work

While facilitating training or workshops, I encourage participants to share their experience and learn from each other. I create lots of opportunities to interact with other participants through discussion, small group work and other, sometimes playful, activities. Be prepared to get off your chair! To allow for these interactions to happen, I create a safe inclusive space and make the workshop more personable. Therefore, I prefer to work with groups up to 12 participants. Let me give you a few examples of in-person sessions that I (have) facilitate(d):

Legal Training

In The Netherlands, I facilitated workshops and training in the legal sector several days a week (2007-2014). The courses were delivered in-house or in conference rooms and most groups had up to 12 participants. I also worked as a guest lecturer at the Hogeschool Utrecht in their bachelor degree for judicial officers (bailiffs).

Discovery Workshops

At the start of each instructional design project, I run one or more discovery workshops as part of a needs analysis, to receive input for a high-level design, or to discuss the content for an elearning module or facilitated course.  If feasible, I run these sessions face to face and take the opportunity to get to know your organisation and talk with a range of stakeholders.

Instructional Design and Facilitation Skills courses

I regularly facilitate courses for the Australian Institute of Training & Development (AITD), both online and face-to-face, public and in-house about instructional design and facilitation skills.

My Role

  • Trainer 
  • Facilitator

The Tools

  • PowerPoint
  • Kahoot
  • Mentimeter.
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