I can help you with

Most frequent questions and answers
Create eLearning

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Develop Face to Face training

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Deliver Training

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Case Studies

Dealing with unions in the workplace


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Develop an elearning module from a PowerPoint presentation about liasing with unions in the workplace and their right of entry. The elearning module needed to improve the learning experience and cut training expenses for the Australia-wide workforce.

The PowerPoint slides were merely a summary of legislation regarding the right of entry for unions. The slides were based on a fact sheet of the Fair Work website and didn’t include images.

To create a better learning experience, I chose to:

  • Use Articulate Storyline 360 and a template;
  • Restructure the content for a better flow;
  • Use one story throughout the course that the learners could relate to;
  • Add images, using stock characters placed in available photos of the workplace;
  • Add scenarios to resolve, with practical questions and feedback;
  • Challenge the learner by asking questions without sharing the knowledge first. Therefore I added a Help button, linking to the online factsheet where they could find the answer;
  • Let the learner finish the module with a quiz, using the same story, reinforcing their learning.

A visually appealing and more effective learning experience for managers, giving them practical knowledge when liaising with a union requesting access to the workplace, talk to employees and copy documentation. The module also saved on costs for delivering the training all over Australia.

Develop an elearning module about the recruitment process for hiring managers. The module would be offered to the managers as pre-work for a face-to-face session on recruitment. One of the objectives of the module was to make the hiring managers aware of all the resources and where to find them.

The business had developed a series of resources about recruitment, including a workflow, call scripts and templates.

For this module, I chose to:
  • Use Articulate Storyline 360;
  • Give the learner control of the navigation. They could jump back and forth through the steps of the recruitment process;
  • Use text variables to show the names of the stakeholders in every step of the process;
  • Limit the mandatory pages to acknowledge the learners existing knowledge. The learner only needed to go through page 1-3 and pass the assessment;
  • Add resource buttons to avoid overloading the module with text. I included resource buttons to bring up an extra layer with hyperlinks to the original documentation.

By choosing a more blended approach including elearning, the People & Culture Manager was able to cut down the face-to-face time by half, focusing on selecting candidates and interviewing techniques. Other components like EEO and the recruitment process were offered as elearning. With a workforce spread over Australia and New Zealand, this also meant a saving on travel and delivery costs.

Recruitment process


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Induction training


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This client, a manufacturer in plastic products, wanted to try out elearning. They wanted to start with an induction module for new employees, replacing parts of the face-to-face induction training. The workforce is varied and includes factory employees, engineers and admin roles, with different work hours and obligations.

The manufacturer provided me with two PowerPoint presentations that have been used for years. A presentation for office employees and one for factory workers, both including a lot of formal information about the employee’s obligations, safety policies, clients etc.

For this module, I chose to:

  • Use Articulate Storyline 360 and a template;
  • Reduce the amount of text due to varied literacy and language skills;
  • Include a welcome video from the Director, recorded on his mobile phone;
  • Ask the learner to select their role (office or factory) using different characters and direct the learner to different slides, specific for their role;
  • Make a video about the use of their attendance tracking device;
  • Drafted an infographic with company figures to get to know the business;
  • Add a variety of interactivity, using audio, an interactive map of the world, questions with resource buttons etc.
  • Use images of the workplace as background;
  • End the module with a compilation of photos of celebrations and events.

The implementation of the elearning module will cut the delivery time of face-to-face training and give learners a more engaging way of getting to know the business. The English version is finished and is ready to be translated for their Chinese speaking workforce.

There was no brief. While working in HR, I had some time up my sleeve and wanted to develop a micro learning module about pre-employment checks to answer frequently asked questions from managers.
There was a workflow and I used parts of a PowerPoint presentation I had developed and used previously.
For this module, I chose to:
  • Work with Articulate Rise 360 because it’s quick and made for mobile;
  • Give the learner control over the navigation;
  • Focus on the 5 steps of the process;
  • Keep additional information to the 5-step process short and to the point;
  • Use a real life example for the quiz.
A mobile friendly 10-minute micro elearning module about pre-employment checks, answering frequently asked questions about the process.

Micro learning


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Legal secretary course

Face to Face training

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There was no brief. In The Netherlands, I owned a training business for the legal industry called Via Verlaan. For this business I designed and developed legal training for lawyers, legal secretaries, bailiffs and credit managers. I noticed that most legal secretaries only learnt on the job and didn’t have any formal training, so I took the opportunity to create a short course.
I was able to re-use training materials for other courses about court procedures I had developed previously. I also interviewed two legal secretaries and the lawyers they worked for to map out the required knowledge.
For this course, I chose to:
  • Offer a 2.5 day course full of activities to practise new skills and enforce the learning. The half day at the end was used for repetition and a formal assessment;
  • Draft a workbook explaining legal procedures, legal documents and common tasks at a law firm;
  • Add a glossary with legal terminology;
  • Use all kinds of legal documents that are common in their workplace;
  • Show a video about court procedures combined with questions;
  • Use a variety of activities, including cards with the steps of the court procedures, cut-up writs, filling out legal documents and all kinds of questions using newspaper articles and real life examples.
The structured explanation of procedures and tasks shortened the induction period of the legal secretaries and boosted their confidence. Passing the assessment also added value to their certificate.
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